Oct 18, 2011

And that's the way I loved you

Was trying to sort out all my Chinese handouts so I can file them properly since I have so much time. And since cleaning up is always like a treasure hunt and I always find things that I never knew existed/I forgot that they existed... I thought I'd put down some things and "reflections" just before they slip out of my mind. That's the thing I like about writing, jotting down my thoughts really works wonders afterwards when I come back and read them again. It'll make me feel like I'm reliving that part of my life all over again and yeah it's just magical :)

Sooo I found lots of crumpled pieces of paper and presentation scripts/cards which by the way had my beautiful handwriting on them because I usually write out my scripts. Then I found this notebook which I totally forgot that I had in the beginning of the year. And when I opened up this notebook I found out that I had stapled many pages together and that only meant that there were confidential stuff inside, so I ripped it open and... I realised that I had a really bad start this year. I guess I never really told anyone but I was simply miserable. It was one of the lowest points of my life and there was never really a reason why (or maybe too many reasons why), and I'm so glad it's all over. The second half of the year has been really good to me and I thank whoever's blessing me up there for all this goodness that I'm enjoying now. Sure it's never the best, but after all those experiences that have made me shed so much tears, I don't think I will take things for granted anymore. Just gonna enjoy it while I can and be happy while I am because I know things will never be this smooth and yeah. Living life to the fullest because I deserve to :)

Also found the card which I never gave out. I don't think I'll ever forget that day

I was pretty upset before this but now I think I'm going to look at things from a different point of view. No more but's and more of at least's :) Never mind if you don't get what I'm talking about haha.


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