Oct 13, 2011

I've been looking under rocks and breaking locks

Had my last two written tests today. It sure feels weird to know that secondary school education is ending for me. Sometimes I still feel like I'm still in sec 3 or something. It's that kind of feeling when you write "2010" on your homework and realise that it's already 2011. Time sure flies! Although I'm still 15 years young hehe ^^

I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT MY LAST CHEM TEST IN SECONDARY SCHOOL. Okay so before the paper even started, I was already on the verge of tears. I felt pretty numb before I walked into the examination hall and once I sat down, I was like... crap. And when Mr Johll walked past and gave me that smile, I totally died inside because I knew I won't do well and I'll disappoint everybody else again ☹ I don't know why I have such a phobia for chemistry but it just seems so alien to me. Just like how some people find math alien and totally impossible. I feel that way for chem and I don't know how to get over it. The paper was okay even though I almost didn't have time to finish it, but... I just know that I won't do well for it. Somehow. I don't know why either :(

This is the first time that I don't really want to get back my results :(

Chemistry and school aside... I've been having REALLY REALLY cool dreams. Yesterday I dreamt that I was getting married on the field beside my house omg haha. I think it's because I've always wondered why the field beside my house is so pretty and why we have to move away. I'll miss the greenery so much :( Oh and I dreamt that some guy broke into my house and my fridge was really messy, so I snapped into my awesome detective persona and theorised that he must have made a mess to hide something. And sooooo I found out that he stole all my m&m's! Afterwards that guy returned with a ghost when the police came but they were invisible to the policemen and I was so spooked out because they just appeared out of nowhere. THEN THE GUY TURNED INTO A CLOCK and I tortured him by spinning the hands round and round and he just kept chanting "I want chocolate... I want chocolate..."

Okay what movies have I been watching hmm. I'm so cranked up. Must be all the stress that was killing me last night because of... chem :(

Why must things constantly change?

Just something light so this entry won't seem so moody. Kids are so cute ☺ XO

Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve this, sometimes I just don't want to wait anymore... But then I think about why I've been holding on, and I tell myself: you're worth it :)

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