Nov 13, 2011

I wish someone would write me a letter

Almost revealed my number on my blog ohmyg. Thank goodness for the preview function! Anyway. SO PRETTY RIGHT?!! If you can't see it properly, the background is the same floral design I have on this site :) I swear it looks way prettier in real life!

I am so bored, the word 'bored' is a total understatement of how bored I am. I know I should doing something productive like reading a book (I borrowed books from the library yay me!) or starting on my math homework but I've had such an exhausting week, so I figured I should give myself a break. There are soooo many things I want to do during the holidays including painting my nails before dance practices start again, but I'm so lazy to do anything right now. In fact the nails on my left hand are painted but I'm too lazy to paint the ones on my right. Oh gosh what is happening to me :(

Hmm shall list down a few things I wanna do so I will actually remember them and not spend my holidays re-watching How I Met Your Mother again and again!

1. Have a picnic again
2. Twilight Saga marathon up till Eclipse, and
3. Watch Breaking Dawn in the theatres
4. (Must) revise chemistry
5. Do fun stuff outdoors and not shop all day long!

I need to learn how to manage my finances :( But there has been visible improvement since I haven't spent a cent of my birthday money! NOW ARE YOU GUYS PROUD OF ME. Although I will admit that there's hardly a cent left from my allowance this month oops.

So recently I learnt, through many channels, that I have actually made impacts on other people's lives :') I'm totally a believer of that I'm-a-small-person-in-this-world-and-utterly-insignificant-too crap and knowing that I've actually affected people in one way or another makes me so touched! And that being said, I do idolise people around me and many have inspired me in different ways too! I have friends, whom I'm not close to, who seem to be suffering and inflicting physical pains upon themselves and I really do feel for them. Sometimes I ask myself why I was made to live and think this way and I wonder why other people can't do it too. I really want to grow up to be a figure of positive inspiration. I don't need or even want to be famous, I just hope to be able to make other people see why I think the way I think and hopefully they'll be positively influenced too :) Not that I'm some kind of superhero, but yeah, just sayin'.

I totally want a penpal!

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