Dec 2, 2011

Cause there'll be no sunlight if I lose you baby

Hello world, please welcome back a tired Szeying :(

This week's been really busy for me and now that the children's camp/dance is over, I can finally have a breather and sleep in tomorrow! That's really good news for me especially since before the hectic week started, I couldn't sleep in either because I was sick and my body clock was screwed up. I would wake up at 5 or 6 AM in the morning and just lay in bed until sleep takes over me, and then I'd wake up at 7 or 8 again. Basically the past few days have been a torture and I'm so glad it's over.

That being said, I've learnt a lot of things about myself and the people around me too! The children's camp was especially inspiring because I discovered that I have a patient side to me too! I was actually surprised at how I handled some things considering my temper, but I managed to ignore this little kid who kept calling me names and spilling vulgarities. I didn't want to let him get to me because I told myself that all he wants is attention and I will not give it to him or he will be more proud and full of himself and become worse than ever.

I think parents really do play an important role in the upbringing of their kids... I'm so thankful for my parents and all that they have done for me :)

And all the dance practices were pretty fun! I realised that time passes so much more quickly when you enjoy what you are doing. I'll admit that my attention span is quite short (especially when I have a lack of sleep) though.

Sorry for the wordy post, reflections naturally rush to me after I've completed something. Toodles and hope you guys are having a great holiday :)

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