Nov 15, 2014

[31 October 2014] Turning 19

This year I was incredibly blessed with five birthday celebrations with different groups of people I love (over four days). Even though my 19th fell on a hell week in school, I still felt really happy and loved! The realisation that I've been telling everyone I am 19 since the beginning of this year, however, made me a lot less thrilled because I DIDN'T GET TO BE 18 AT ALL THIS YEAR :( :( :(

Sucks to be an October baby sometimes.

One of my best decisions was to go to NJ, because I met all these people there. In NJ we always talked about how the admin sucks (not sure if it's still the same now) but the people there are the best. I never thought I would make friends whom I genuinely believe I will keep in contact with for a long time to come, but there they all are - the friends whom I won't trade anything for, as cliche as it sounds :-)

Just met this bunch of people but they are really the best OG I have ever been with! Learnt so many things from them; it's really refreshing to meet people from different walks of life who have so many different experiences to share. 

The hello kitty cake was extremely yummy if you are wondering. But it was very sad when I had to cut it :-(

So I had dinner with my family on my birthday night, and when we reached home I took out my laptop in the living room, all prepared to study for my practical exam which was the next day (so sucky right, exam on Saturday #unilife). All of a sudden this silly boy emerged from the kitchen with balloons and a cake and started singing a birthday song all by himself (my family is very shy) hahahaha. Thank you for the surprise my love, this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me :-) He even made me a flower crown (the first photo in this entry) because I think I briefly mentioned I wanted one for my birthday some time ago!

Thank you for everything, my love. Thank you for always making me feel like a princess, and thank you for being the sweetest boyfriend anyone can ask for :-)

The next day the boy brought me to town for my birthday lunch:

We finished everything by the way hehehehe.

This is also the reason why we're kopitiam warriors for the rest of this month.

On Sunday I met up with my favourite Vietnamese friend for lunch. It was sort of a double celebration because I didn't have time to meet him back in August for his birthday hahaha #terriblefriend #unilife. Every time I meet with this dude we always eat so much -_- It was totally worth it though, one of the best pizzas I've had!

Once again I really appreciate everyone who either dropped me a message, gave me a hug or celebrated this occasion with me. I may not have accomplished much in life in the last 19 years according to society's standards, but what's more accomplishing than knowing that you have friends who are always going to be there for you?

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