Dec 1, 2014

Illumi Run: Il... Eh how to spell ah?

Went for Illumi Run 2014 on the night of my last paper with my Sunshine! Honestly I didn't expect much because what can two people do at this kind of event right....? (Please don't kill me when you read this) It turned out to be really fun though. It's not about the quantity (size) of your company, but the quality ;)

Was quite disappointed because the face painting lady didn't paint a brighter colour for me, but all was fine because at least I didn't get paint in my eyes. WHO LOOKS IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF THE PEOPLE SPRAYING YOU WITH PAINT?!!

There was an after party but us being us we sat down at one corner, had a $5 chocolate coated frozen banana, had wanton mee for supper and then went home. Heheheheh

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