Feb 1, 2015


I was told that this space is becoming very sad, so let me inject some positivity here! HI EVERYONE. Despite everything that I write on here, I'm actually doing okay. Honest. I spend a lot of time with my friends, and even though some of them really take care of me, I feel much more independent now. I feel good even though my schedule is like shit because I don't need to feel guilty about not spending enough time with anybody. I feel good when I can dedicate the little time I have to my homework which is still piling up like nobody's business. I even feel good late at night when I lie on my bed, because I'm always so tired I would fall asleep almost immediately, and very peacefully.

I will admit that I still feel the hollowness in my chest from time to time, when certain things, songs or even places jump out at me as unwelcome reminders. But I have learnt to brush them off, because deep inside I know that I have done the right thing. It was hard, but it was right. Every day now is a testimony of that.

And also...... Just because I always snapchat on my bed doesn't mean I don't have anything to do guys. I STUDY ON MY BED.


Anonymous said...


Just some thoughts.

Szeying said...

Hi anon,

Thank you for sharing the link. I have read this article before, and all I can say is: it depends on what your priorities are, and for me, academics is my priority.

Nevertheless, it could be a personal excuse to make myself feel more sane.

Have a great Chinese New Year! :)
