Sep 18, 2011

But baby I know what you are

Went to watch Beyond 2011 yesterday and it was really great! Loved the last performance hehe it was so dreamy :) Camwhored a lot with Sharmaine's phone too hehehehehe

I actually downed my dinner in 5 minutes last night.

Currently drowning in stress because of all the deadlines and tests coming up next week :( Every time when there's a bio test nearing I'll just be like asdfghjkl STRESSED. I don't know why but bio is just so alien to me! Like even though I can't do well for chem, at least I understand the stuff (yeah just can't apply) and all. Eh but I can do quite well in bio k teehee like with a little bit whole chunk of luck ^^

Okay and I'm going through some kind of trauma now somebody save me please. I've been anticipating this ever since I got started and now it's just... I don't wanna lose it :( I really don't want to! But I can't help feeling this way and yeah it's just not real for me. Every other day I wake up and ask myself whether I'm still living in a dream - YEAH IT FEELS LIKE A DREAM. *pinches myself several times* Trying to hold on trying to hold on trying to hold on

Please make it easier for me :(

Oh and has anyone seen a graphing calculator with a pink sticker on it with a balloon/hearts next to it??? I'm so freaked out, I actually dreamt that I got scolded for losing it last night and when I woke up I was actually crying omg. And I proceeded to sob for a few more minutes before I fell asleep again I think. Please return it to me if you've found it :(

And because I'm cute like that (not blushing hohoho)...

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