Sep 13, 2011

Pretty thoughts make pretty people

I don't know why people are always hating and stuff. I mean I do dislike people but it's temporary and more of a momentary kind of thing. And I forgive people fast because I don't usually stay angry for too long. It's not a very nice feeling and it's pretty tiring to think unhappy thoughts yeah. Even though everyone's supposed to have their own personality and stuff, I've always thought that deep inside, everyone's the same. Whether you're innocent or evil or friendly or unfriendly, it's more of what you present on the outside. To me, on the inside, all of us have pretty much the same thoughts. Okay am I making sense hmm. Anyway I just wanted to say that I honestly don't understand why you can't just chill and think about things from a different point of view. There's no point attacking people right? Well I don't know if you enjoy making people unhappy... But I just hope you will realise that you got me wrong and yeah basically you're just making a big fuss out of nothing because you misunderstood what I said. The end.

Things aren't that tough sometimes. The answer is pretty simple no?

On a lighter note, my mum's finally back!! :) I was walking towards her in the airport and I was just like oh no this is going to be awkward because my family isn't the touchy kind and we don't really express our feelings well, but when I saw her she gave me and my brother a huge hug and I was just like aww :') I missed her so much! And my little brother came back with three questions to test our knowledge hahaha omg I didn't know the answers to two out of three questions hmm. Then he said something about me being the oldest but the dumbest okay I admit it okay :'(

Really really really glad they're back :)

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