Sep 9, 2011

Back at home you feel so far

Guess who left her pile of homework at home and went shopping today *guilty look* And guess who's planning to take a nap after writing this blog entry even though she really ought to start on her homework/revision/projects *guilty look x2*

And guess who bought a hair band even though she doesn't really wear them! It's pretty, but I think it hates me or something. It keeps slipping off my head :(

I will not miss people who don't miss me because I'm cool like that B) Okay I think I lost my coolness somewhere along those sweetly honeyed lies pft. Oh well. Should really be going down to the tracks to run now especially since the weather is great and I've been eating sooooooo much lately. At weird timings, too. Life without my mum is horrible. Everyday I'll have biscuits and milk for breakfast and noodles/macs/nothing at all for lunch and fish for dinner . Yeah I actually noticed a trend in what we eat for dinner. AND we're always having dinner at nine or ten which is absolutely unhealthy and fattening (and depressing, too). A hungry Szeying is a grumpy girl indeed.

Nobody takes neoprints anymore but... I have a lame sister like that :)

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