Oct 23, 2011

13. Always talk things out

^ Title's from my list of note-to-self's in my phone!

Decided to take a break from the Chinese paper I'm trying to complete and write this post. Okay I've been taking more than enough breaks, but I just can't help procrastinating! Especially when doing a Chinese paper is so tedious and I can't stress it enough. Approximately 160 characters for each answer and we have to do 987654321 papers before the actual Os?!

Deeply disturbed by how my little brother is acting like a spoilt brat. I don't know if I've said this but I used to resent my parents for being so strict with me when I was younger, but now I really thank them for everything that they've done to make me who I am today. I don't understand why they're not doing the same to my little brother and now he's gone from a cute and lovable boy to a rude and selfish person. Sure I still love him and I am amazed by how fast he can pick up things (I'm his math teacher!), and he's not that bad inside and all but politeness is the basic virtue anyone should have right? Just so worried about him sigh.

And sometimes I feel like I live in a different world from all my other siblings because they're all going through their rebellious years and I've already snapped out of it (I'd like to think so, anyway). Gosh I feel so old. Thinking about the future makes me so scared and this is the very first time that I'm not looking forward to my birthday :( There are other reasons too but yeah basically I'm so not looking forward to it :(

I've never had someone who knows me like you do, the way you do
I've never had someone as good for me as you, no one like you

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