Oct 25, 2011

And when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up

But if life was that easy, it wouldn't be exciting anymore.

I gave it my best and I got the results that I wanted. I thought it was impossible but I did it. It really takes a low point to build up a high one, perhaps even higher than the last peak. It's such a wonderful feeling when you know your efforts have paid off! I don't think I've ever been this happy. It was wrong of me to think that when things are good, they can't get better. I have been proven wrong and I'm glad.

To summarise... I DID WELL FOR CHEM! Went to ask Mr Johll if I've improved by a lot just so I could hear the answer I wanted to hear and when he said yes I was so so so so so so happy ^^

/Tears of joy

I'm genuinely worried about you. It's not that I want to poke my nose into your matters but I'm really worried because I care. I really hope things will turn out well for you and I just want you to know that whatever happens, it's always for the best because someone up there has got our lives planned out for us. I believe we'll all have happy endings because we deserve to :)

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