Oct 5, 2011

We found love in a hopeless place

So many firsts, so many lasts.

I think people who cry easily (we are not crybabies!) have an abundance of hormones. Now do I sound like a biology expert teeheehee :) I have no idea what subject combination I should choose. I've kind of decided but I'm not sure if it's really what I want... What if I regret it :( What if chem becomes hell for me omg omg omg omg ugh I hate chem. Praying really really hard that I'll do well for chem eoys *-*

Today was the last day of lessons with my current class. Hmm okay we'll still see each other when the hardcore chinese "intensive camp" (as they like to call it, but I'd call it extreme misery) starts. Need to do more zong he tian kong practices! I hate mcqs omg there's only a probability of 0.25 of getting a mcq right okay?! Anywayz I think I'll really miss my classss. It's the smallest class I've ever been in, so naturally we're more bonded I guess. Sure we have our own cliques but when it comes to mingling with other people it's never been a problem! Why must we always separate ways after really getting to know other peopleeee sigh I dislike goodbyes :( Plus I'll miss our cute LA teacher so muchh hehe

Drowning in doubts :( Helppp

Do I sound incoherent hmm. That's probably because I'm kind of sick right now so I can't think properly :s I don't know why but recently I always fall sick right before my exams or any major event sigh. Must have gotten the virus from litong or bobby pft.

Going to shop for everyone else's belated birthday presents after my birthday because I don't want them to think that I just wanted them to get me presents. Second resolution for 2012: remember birthdays and don't give belated presents anymore!

First resolution for 2012: pray that the world will not end :x


Jessica said...

Lots of people fall sick right before exams. Must be stress O: .

Szeying said...

Hmm maybe! Hope you're fine :)