Nov 21, 2011

Life is a maze and love is a riddle

Went out with Yanting last Wednesday. It was nice to catch up with her! If you're reading this, I still keep all your letters! Love you babe :)

Spent my weekends in KL. The drive up there and back was pretty much like a road trip and I was really glad that I went with my family by the end of the trip. Everything went well and shopping is the absolute love ♥

Also woke up to pretty wavy hair on Sunday morning! I have really straight hair but sometimes when I wake up in the morning, it's really wavy and the waves can last throughout the day ^^

Mummy was saying that I'll be the kind of mum who will need a maid to look after my kids because I can't take care of them myself or something... Now I'm determined to prove her wrong! Who said I don't like kids kk I love kids and kids love me too ☺ /shameless

Well it's true! Look who fell asleep on my lap on the way back. Wasn't the most awesome position for me because I couldn't take my own nap but I felt really protective of my little brother :) And I had a great time trying to make out shapes in the clouds. I don't know if it's just me but... One of the clouds looked like a dinosaur holding a baby dinosaur omg. I have such a vivid imagination!

My brother also said he likes me :) It also got me thinking about whether he thinks that it's cool to have such a cool sister like me. Hehehehehe

I'm so glad things are becoming better now. Having a clearer view of everything really makes me happier. I just really really hope that I made the right decisions for myself :)

Being alive is so amazing.

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it

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