Dec 14, 2011

Bring the boys out

Worked today! N called me at around 7:50 AM and asked me to meet him at Bishan and I was all like whattttt? Didn't have enough sleep for the past few days and last night was the only night that I slept well and I had to drag myself out of bed at 8 in the morning :'( Speaking of last night... I'm so amazed at myself for pulling myself out of that endless hole. This might just be the end :')

Anyway, we delivered planners and calendars to different levels in the HP office and it was quite tiring at some points (especially since we didn't have lunch) and I have quite a few cuts along my arms, but it was definitely worth it! A big reason why I went (apart from the salary and my mum being totally cool about it) was because I thought I should get out of the house and it was definitely the right choice. Everyone was nice to me and H and Y were all friendly too :) I also realised how much my impression of N changed since I met him last year. Dude if you're reading this, Bobby was right about you being a nice guy! Even though you're reallllly egoistic and all... Thanks for always taking care of me!

Spent my last hour packing and counting planners and calendars and stoning on the staircase. I felt pretty guilty because all the guys were helping out but I had nothing to do... I wish I could experience being a guy for a day! Well it was still pretty cool because it was raining and the security guard brought us hot milo and it was just perfect.

Oh and I drank red bull for the first time today but I don't think I liked it very much because it was too sweet!

*        *        *

I want to be the type of mum whom my kids can be totally open with! I want to able to listen to them and guide them so they won't make the same mistakes that I did. I want to tell them fabulous stories like my mum always do and give them relationship advice and teach them how to overcome obstacles and basically, I want to be the type of mum whom my kids love and respect and yet can be comfortable with like I'm their friend :)

To R: I don't know what to say except thank you and I love you so much ♥
To J: Thank you so much for that answer, it was exactly what I needed :')

Why do we keep running from the truth?

1 comment:

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