Jul 26, 2012

One step closer

I think I have found a good way to let out my rants about how unfair this world is. I am so thankful that I am, at the very least, not bottling my opinions up because it used to torture me from inside out. Expressing is just an essential thing for me I guess.

And while we are on the topic about inequality in this world... Really don't understand why people would be so blinded sometimes. It's as if it's clearly laid out and yet people are still oblivious and stepping all over the place. I just don't understand sometimes - is common sense really not common at all? Or maybe other people are thinking the same about me? 

Ugh this is so confusing

Anyway I just wanted to say that I have decided not to conform to the norm if it is not appropriate to me. From now on I will fight for what I believe in :) Of course I don't mean in a hostile way (like rejecting everyone else's opinions) but I won't give in just because it's easier to give in. I mean reasoning things out in a peaceful manner; reasoning is still a fairly new thing to me since I used to be really stubborn. A is right, I get too defensive at times. I should learn to relax :/

Do not change to please other people, change to improve yourself.

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