May 22, 2015

You see them in the bad times

Maybe you paint me in such bad light so that you can feel better about all these. Maybe you think that I won't ever read what you've written. Maybe you didn't consider that I have feelings, too.

I want to scream at you, to tell you that they are all untrue. Who are you to assume how I felt, and who are you to assume how I feel now?

Just because I don't go around announcing how I feel doesn't make you the more feeling one. I chose to share my happy moments. I chose to keep myself occupied so that I could be distracted. It was a choice. Happiness is a choice. So who are you to bring me down like that just because I chose a different path to go about this huge obstacle as compared to you?

If you really wanted the best for me, this is not what you would be doing right now. If you really cared about me, this is not how you would be feeling right now.

I guess I was wrong about you.

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