Nov 8, 2011

If you're in love, put your hands up

Got so angry at the dining table, I just gobbled down my food and went into my room to find the chinese passage I wanted to show my mum. The passage is about why parents shouldn't let the kids get the good food all the time and when I did it in school for some paper, I practically wrote a note down at the side to remind myself to show it to my mum. I mean seriously, my little brother is horrible.

My sister got grounded so I went out alone today to get some stuff. Ended up shopping alone, which was weird at first but I think it totally suits my personality. I'm all about own time own target hehe.

And anyway, why would anyone ground their kid for losing his/her phone? Aren't punishments supposed to correspond to what the mistake is? Grounding her is not going to miraculously make her learn not to leave her phone in some toilet cubicle. I mean, history has already proven me right. You grounded her the other time and oh look, she lost her phone again -.- And I don't get why I can't ask "why" when you said she couldn't go out with me. Do I not have the right to know?

I love my parents but sometimes adults are so blinded by their authority, they can't analyse and think about whether they're doing it correctly. And the thing they have about not trusting children and our views is just plain annoying.

I'm already regretting eating my food that fast. Didn't really have enough to eat and I'm probably going to starve for the rest of the night :(

I wish time could pass a little fasterrrrrrrrrr

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