Dec 5, 2011

But I set fire to the rain

^ Lyrics that are stuck in my head today. Yesterday was Sparks Fly. Well what do you call this? Holiday brain :)

So yesterday was Litong's birthday and because of some reasons we planned to celebrate it today and also give her a surprise, and I think it was pretty successful! Had a really really fun time today and everybody brought yummy food so my tummy was pretty happy too! Lost 0.8 kg during the holidays and I think I gained all of it back today... Oh well. Worth it.

(Currently sipping on leftover green tea from our little picnic)

Photos (except the last one) credit to Nicole!

I texted Litong that we're all wearing rainbow colours (red, orange, yellow, blue and purple) so she had to wear bright blue, but I told all the rest to wear grey so she stood out. Still can't believe she fell for it! She told me that she thought I was really that lame so she wore it... Is that a compliment or an insult? And we were so lucky because it didn't rain AT ALL today. Thank you whoever's up there blessing me, you actually answered my wishes :)

Hope Litong really enjoyed herself! She's an amazing friend and I really love her :)

Giving feels so great. Left an anonymous message on someone's blog yesterday and I really hope it helped her, or at least gave her fresh hope.
Nora: So it was strangely fitting that it happened then, since love is a kind of heart attack. I'm sure it hurts as much as one sometimes - and the pain lasts for a whole lot longer. (Through the Heart by Kate Morgenroth)

Sometimes I think that I know you so well, but sometimes you're like another stranger to me.

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