Dec 10, 2014

Hello synthetic grass.

Never thought I would say this one day, but I actually miss being in NJ. I miss being a JC student, when everything was planned out for the students. Of course it is refreshing and challenging (in a good way) to be able to plan things like our own timetable, and to decide what programmes to enroll in and what activities to take part in, but sometimes it gets so tiring and I remember how we never had to worry about signing up for this and that back in JC. Also never thought I would say this but I actually miss wearing my gray uniform... Picking out outfits every morning is way too tiring :"( Although in SoC it's not that bad because nobody will judge you if you turn up in t-shirt, fbts and slippers hahah

The holidays have been splendid so far, got to spend time with old friends, new friends and my family :) Everyone is starting to go overseas though, and looking at all the photos makes my wanderlust very intense. Can't wait for the day when I can plan all my holiday trips with a loved one, and when I am able to decide where I want to go.

Hope your holidays have been great so far!

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