Dec 31, 2014

The End of 2014

2014 has been brutal, honestly. It has been a year of astronomical change. I moved to a new place. I started my first real job, then my second. I realised that to work in my dream industry is not easy at all. I learnt to let go. I learnt to move on. I made a decision which I'm told is extremely mind-boggling - to go to SoC. I regretted this decision, but then I learnt to love this decision.

But mostly it has been brutal because I have changed as a person. The way I think, the way I act, the way I care and love for other people. The way I put down my trust so easily unlike before, which then came back to hurt me.

It wasn't all that blue though. To finally escape the clutches of monotonous JC life was a breather. I am finally able to decide on what I actually want to do in terms of both my work and studies. I now feel like I can plan my time according to what I want to do instead of what the school wants me to do. I felt really happy when I realised my parents really did support me regardless of what I wanted to do. I made new friends, yet I kept in contact with my old ones. I would never exchange anything for that balance which I managed to keep.

And most importantly, I met a boy who would do anything in his capacity just to see me smile. And that made all the changes worth it. That made me realise that I was worth it.

That 2014 was worth it.

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