Jun 5, 2015

All good things have to come to an end

Hi guys, find me at my new Tumblr from now on if you're interested in continuing to stalk me!

Jun 1, 2015

Reminder to self

1. Do not take anything for granted.
2. People can think what they want, but if you know your conscience is clear, it's okay.
3. Focus on the positive side of things too.
4. You deserve to be happy.
5. Happiness doesn't come by so easily. Don't let it slip away.

So come on let it go / Just let it be
Why don't you be you / And I'll be me

May 28, 2015

For the first time

And we don't know how we got into this mess it's a God's test
Someone help us 'cause we're doing our best
Trying to make it work but man these times are hard

Oh these times are hard
Yeah they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me baby

May 22, 2015

You see them in the bad times

Maybe you paint me in such bad light so that you can feel better about all these. Maybe you think that I won't ever read what you've written. Maybe you didn't consider that I have feelings, too.

I want to scream at you, to tell you that they are all untrue. Who are you to assume how I felt, and who are you to assume how I feel now?

Just because I don't go around announcing how I feel doesn't make you the more feeling one. I chose to share my happy moments. I chose to keep myself occupied so that I could be distracted. It was a choice. Happiness is a choice. So who are you to bring me down like that just because I chose a different path to go about this huge obstacle as compared to you?

If you really wanted the best for me, this is not what you would be doing right now. If you really cared about me, this is not how you would be feeling right now.

I guess I was wrong about you.

May 17, 2015


I laid down today, thinking - why is it so hard to express how I really feel? My eyes were wide open, and I laid still, thinking the same things that I keep thinking about. It has become the norm lately, as if my thoughts run in a circle, day in and day out. I let the full cycle of thoughts stream through my mind again, and then I realised: I was unwilling to show that I was hurt. I can express my affection. I can shout at someone who made me angry. But I do not want to let people see that I am hurt. It's not just a sign of weakness; it's a sign that I put enough power in this person's hands to make me feel less than who I am. It's a sign of vulnerability. It's a sign that this person is important to me, and it scares me. It scares me to the point where I want to give up and hide from this mess.

May 16, 2015

Happy ending?

May 9, 2015

Now you know why my cheeks are so chubz

HI GUYS. I am finally back after two grueling weeks of studying and half a week of outings! The past few weeks have been really mentally straining, so much so that I am still having nightmares about the papers I did :"( So glad it is all over now and YAY TO SUMMER BREAK. To be honest, I haven't really done up a list of things to do during the holidays (as I always do during exams period to keep myself motivated) because I'm gonna be quite busy I think? Still thinking of whether I should take up a part-time job to fulfill my dream of being an ice cream girl... I've been talking about this for years now, haven't I?

Realised that I haven't been updating this space much with photos so here we go!! Let the food photos spam begin: